What to Do When Someone is Crying

It’s natural to want to stay away from people when they are crying. They can’t talk clearly and they are not very interesting when they are blubbering and their nose is running. I’ve always preferred to walk away when someone is crying until they are done.

However if you stay away from someone when they are crying they will think that you are not their friend. This is of course a ridiculous assumption. Just because I don’t want to be around someone when they are out of control doesn’t mean I’m not their friend. I just don’t see the point of hanging around if there is nothing I can do.

So if someone is crying, walk up to the person, pat them on the back two times, and say “there, there”.

Then tell them you will be over on the bench down the street readingĀ  and they can come over when they are done crying.

As long as they can see you they will know they are not alone and this will make them feel better.

This is called being supportive or “being there” for someone. “There” just means “in the area”. Being supportive means not running away even though that’s what you’d prefer to do.

That’s what friends do for each other.

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